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Microsoft SharePoint
What Is Microsoft SharePoint?
Content management solution that helps businesses with desktop sharing and viewing, text annotations, instant messaging, and whiteboard editing.
Who Uses Microsoft SharePoint?
Knowledge management application that keeps work moving forward by providing quick access to team sites, organization portals and resources and the team members for all types of companies.
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Microsoft SharePoint
Reviews of Microsoft SharePoint
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Great collaboration tool
We have done quite well with the tool.
Little by little we have been using more and more functions.
It has helped a lot with the backups and the rotation of personnel that are in the organization.
We managed to unify in a single platform the management of business documents. It also gives us a good amount of space, 1TB in total, independent of storage per user.
Collaboration with third parties still seems a bit complicated to me, we have had some problems with the access of external collaborators and we have to be aware of the permissions.
MS SharePoint Often Gets a Bad Rap
Comments: Overall, I have solved more common business problems with SharePoint than with any other tool.
I hear lots of people groan about SharePoint, yet I find over and over that it makes it incredibly easy to put together useful tools, collaborate, integrate, automate, and all at a very reasonable cost. Being tightly integrated with M365, it just makes sense to take advantage of all it has to offer.
I will admit, sometimes the customization limits can be annoying, but this is far outweighed by the usefulness of the platform. It also ensures fewer things break as new updates are pushed.
All Around Content Tool for Business
Everyone knows how to use it and there are tons of functions in place. Basic users can advance via power automate or develop their workspaces enough to optimize productivity.
It is clunky and loads a lot of directories within a single path making it hard to travel between spaces. External connections are buggy and users do not see updates sometimes.
Robust foundations
Comments: Very good and easy to use platform to develop many workflows, co-working spaces and to store documents
A great platform for collaboration, presentation, intranet, automation / digitalization of business processes, which is basically "free" as part of the preset of the vast majority of companies using MS 365
The simplicity of use and deployment has its price in not too much flexibility to customize the final look, which is simply ... standard
SharePoint - the Best Document Management Program
Comments: I've used it all day every day for the past 15 years.
SharePoint does everything I need to maintain and securely store my documents: backups, version control, search and retrieval.
I don't like that I have to page through my document libraries instead of being able to jump forward or backwards. For example, it would be good to jump to the documents by the first letter of the document's name.