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Folksonomies (Social Tagging)

Folksonomies (also called social tagging) are collections of metadata defined by users, such as user-generated tags on web pages, forums, photos, and other online content. These tags make it easier for users to find what they are looking for. For example, a photo of the New York City skyline might have the following folksonomies: "New York City," "skyscrapers," "skyline," and "city." A user can click on the folksonomy "city" to bring up photos of other cities.

What Small and Midsize Businesses Need to Know About Folksonomies (Social Tagging)

SMBs might notice folksonomies on their website or blog as they grow their business and more people engage with their content. While folksonomies evolve naturally, they can be a great way for new customers to find new content about products and services.